3D virtual model of hotels
3D visualization of the whole object in a form of virtual model that can rotate and allows entrance in every room
3D virtual model of different types of rooms
Showing different types of hotel rooms and apartments that can rotate in 360° and enables entrance in every part of the room
3D virtual model of restaurants
With possibility for a virtual 3D walk through the whole space
3D virtual tour of coffee bars
With possibility for a virtual 3D walk through the whole space
Automatic video
Automatic video of the 3D model suitable for web-site and social media use
3D walk in conference rooms
The users can virtually walk through the conference rooms and see the conditions without having to physically visit the space
4K photos
High resolution photos suitable for web site and social media use
3D walk through a SPA Center
The users can virtually walk through the spa center and see the conditions without having to physically visit the space
360° photos
High resolution photos suitable for web site and social media
Marking with tags-marking
Contain additional information about the object (text, reservation form, PDF, JPG, video, gif, HYPER-LINK ETC.)
Drone video
High resolution video suitable for web site and social media use as well as showing the environment
Google maps/Google Street view
Integration of a 3D scanned model on Google Maps that allows you to enter the object through Google Street View