3D virtual model of showrooms
3D visualization of the whole object in a form of virtual model that can rotate and enables entrance in every room
3D virtual shop
Modeling of 3D virtual showroom (shop) for different types of industries and exhibitors
Automatic video
Automatic video of the 3D model suitable for web site and social media use
4К photos
High resolution photos suitable for web site and social media
Indoor 360° photos
High resolution photos suitable for web site and social media
3D virtual walk
The users can virtually walk through the showroom and see the products from different perspectives without having to be physically visit the space
Outdoor 360° photos
High resolution photos suitable for use on a website and social networks
Contains additional information about the object (text, booking form, PDF, JPG, video material, GIF, hyperlink, etc.)
Outdoor 360° photos
High resolution photos suitable for use on a website and social networks
Google maps/Google Street view
интегрирање на 3Д скениран модел на Google Maps со кој преку Google Street View може да се влезе во објектот